Ever Wonder What Buyers Notice?

When I’m out with buyers looking at homes, they always notice if a home hasn’t been well-maintained. Maybe the landscaping is overgrown or the carpet is stained. Maybe the paint is chipped or dirty. Most of what we can see is superficial so the cost of repairs is minimal.

Then when a home is under contract, we send in an inspector to go over the home with a fine-toothed comb. Again, we rarely find something that is beyond a minimal repair.

But occasionally we get some surprises. Major water, mold, or roof damage. An HVAC unit that is breathing its last breath. 

All of these can be easily avoided by routine maintenance. 

My advice is to go through the checklist above, walk the entirety of your property looking for things you may have missed, and if you have an older home, you may want to consider an inspection. It could uncover a minor issue before it becomes a major one.

Happy Fall! And if I can be of any assistance, please reach out.

Let's Make It Happen!

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